Elizabeth Flynn, M. Math. Ed » AP STATISTICS: Textbook & Other On-Line Resources

AP STATISTICS: Textbook & Other On-Line Resources

"Questions are creative acts of intelligence."  —Frank Kingdon, English Botanist,  1885 - 1958




Our primary resource will be our textbook, The Practice of Statistics, 5th edition (Starnes, Tabor, Yates, & Moore).   However, there are several other on-line resources that we will use regularly inside and outside of class including the following:



This is our publisher’s website.  It contains our multiple-choice on-line quizzes for each chapter, all applets referenced in the textbook, activity/lesson videos, and many other practice resources.  You will be required to register with this website as you will have regular assignments (and I won’t be notified that you have completed them unless you register and reference my email address).  




LOCUS  is a great resource for practice problems (multiple choice AND free response).  You can choose the level (beginning, intermediate, advanced) too.  Complete solutions with clearly-written explanations are provided for each question (no matter the level or MC/FRQ).  I would highly recommend this as a review resource.



Varsity Tutors offers free, on-line AP Statistics test questions and provides immediate scoring feedback.



Free Test On Line is also free (duh... it's in the name of the website).  They offer both multiple-choice as well as free response (with suggested solutions to the free response questions).  Most of the MC questions are good... there are a few questions I consider odd.  Overall, this is a good MC practice.



Learnerator is another free, on-line source for AP Statistics test questions.  They also provide immediate scoring feedback.  Learnerator's questions are different from Varsity Tutors' questions.  You might want to use both sites for more practice questions.  The more practice, the better.  :)



AP Stats Guy has a ton of videos on a wide variety of AP Statistics’ topics.  If you are having a hard time with a concept, sometimes it’s helpful to hear someone else explain/discuss it in a slightly different way.  Consider this website if you’re in that situation with a particular topic. 



 Go to TPS Resources and voila!  All information found under this part of the website is specific to our edition of our textbook.  This is another great resource for ‘extra’ practice.  Again, this may change once the news edition is purchased and in use.



 This is the College Board website that contains all released FRQs and their suggested solutions as well as limited multiple-choice practice.  The majority of the practice FRQ’s that we will do in this course are from the College Board.  This site basically tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the AP Statistics exam and how to get that 5!



Central Limit Theorem App



Click on ‘search quizlet’ and type in AP Statistics.  There will be MANY (50+) practice sets that are available to you.  You can choose to study/review via flashcards, speller, test, scatter, space run…. Try them all.  They are all fun and effective study tools. 



This is Larry Green's website (from Lake Tahoe Community College).  Click on the link above and scroll down to Statistics.  There are lots of good resources.  My favorite (so far) is under Comprehensive Review, then Practice Classifying Statistics Problems.  Check it out!  



This is another part of Larry Green's website.  It gives you practice in recognizing the correct procedure to use in a given situation (TTest, 2-PropZInt, Chi Square Goodness of Fit, etc.).  Go to the site, then choose Practice Classifying Statistics Problems, then choose all options EXCEPT the 1-way ANOVA (not covered in AP Stats).  GREAT Practice!!!



Interesting article about flu vaccines... including p-values!



Two Full-Length, Timed AP Statistics Tests

Go to the GVHS Library website here.  Then go to databases, GALE testing and education.  The Library ID is 'grizzlies' (no caps).  Choose high school tools, Advanced Placement exams, then Statistics.  Click on Start Now.  You will be asked to register (registering is the only way they can show you your test scores and progress each time you use a practice test).


Formula Sheet, Z-Table, T-Table, Chi-Square Table

The AP Stat Monkey website also has the above located on their website.  You should definitely be familiar with what formulas are on the formula sheet.  You also definitely need to know how to use all of the above tables.


Random Digits Table

Click here to access an on-line random digits table.  Realize that there is no ONE random digits table.  There are several versions.  The important thing is for you to know how to use a random digits table.  Practice... and ask me if you need help.


Rossman/Chance Applet Collection

Check this out!  There are a ton of applets that are fun to explore. http://www.rossmanchance.com/applets/index.html



Check this out too!  It has lots of data sets and a variety of graphical representations.. http://lock5stat.com/statkey/index.html



Cool TED Video's

This video talks about lurking variables & missing data.  Check it out.  http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxSwarthmore-Steve-Wang-180-D




Check out 'Guess my Correlation' (attached)













This is called a food noodle.  No kidding.  Really.

Google 'food noodle' and see how it's connected to mathematics.