
Senior Portrait Information:  The official studio for Senior portraits for the Class of 2025 is O'Connor Photography. Your child was sent an informational email in the spring of 2024.If your appointment time is inconvenient for your family/child due to summer commitments, please contact the studio at (661) 257-3838 and they will be more than happy to reschedule your session. You may also schedule your senior portrait session by using the online scheduler on the O'Connor website.  
The deadline for having your senior portraits taken in order to appear in the yearbook is December 27, 2024. Any portraits taken after that date will not appear in the yearbook.  Please keep in mind that the closer we get to that deadline date the busier O'Connor Photography will become, so it's best to schedule your session as soon as possible. 
O'Connor is currently booking into the middle of October for Senior Portrait sessions. Contact them soon if you still need to schedule your session.  
As always, if you have any questions or need more information please contact Cathy Novean at extension 1409 or email at [email protected] 
Yearbooks can be preordered using the ASB webstore or purchasing in person from Vince Wheeler in the ASB Office.