Fundraising Forms & Guidelines
Fundraisers for clubs and campus organizations must be approved by ASB. Our goal is to limit competition and conflict between groups. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Fundraiser Approval Form (click for link)
- Fundraisers are approved during ASB parliamentary meetings on Thursdays. To be considered for approval, all forms must be submitted to ASB with all required signatures by 2:00 pm on Wednesdays.
- Fundraisers are approved in the order that they are received. If there is a conflict with an existing fundraiser, we will ask you to re-submit your request with changes.
- If you need to purchase any supplies for your fundraiser, you will also need a Purchase Order. The Purchase Order form link is below.
- Purchase Order Form (click for link)
- Purchase orders must be submitted and approved PRIOR to any purchases made. Failure to do so will result in no reimbursement.
- Fundraiser Clearance Form (click for form)
- Fundraiser clearance forms should f be submitted to ASB within one week after the end of your fundraiser. Failure to do so will result in a delay in your club receiving the fundraising monies.
- ASB Check Requests
- There is no direct link for this request. For the most efficient reimbursement, remain (screenshots are acceptable) the following documentation to Vince Wheeler:
- Name
- Itemized Receipt(s)
- Invoice with Delivery Confirmation (if applicable)
- PO Number (found on approved paperwork)
A few tips:
- Food absolutely cannot be sold to students during the school day. Pre-orders are okay, but deliveries to students must be made outside of school hours.
- Fundraisers are most successful when they are well-promoted. Use social media, flyers, and GVTV bulletin announcements to make sure people know your group is raising money.
- Deposit all funds as soon as possible after your fundraiser.
- When counting money, have two or more people present to verify the amount.