CSF/California Scholarship Federation » Former Senior Scholarship Winners

Former Senior Scholarship Winners

Each year, Golden Valley's CSF Chapter awards several of its Life Members with scholarship money to help offset the cost of books and tuition at their chosen college or university.  Life Members have been part of CSF for at least four qualifying semesters (one of which include the fall of their senior year).  Award winners are chosen by a panel based on their written reflections.
2024 Golden Valley CSF Senior Scholarship Winners
Kayla Gonzalez
Kayla Gonzalez
Luiza Galayan
Luiza Galayan
Hannah Marie Butalid
Hannah Marie Butalid
2023 Golden Valley CSF Senior Scholarship Winners
Sydney Alexander
sydney alexander
Anvar Rakhmatov
Anvar Rakhmatov
Mohamed Aboul-Saoud
Mohamed About Saoud