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The 2016 Presidential election cycle is here, and it is once again time to get our students involved and excited about civics. Golden Valley is partnering with the California Secretary of State and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to host another California Student Mock Election on Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

Anyone interested in volunteering to become a Poll Worker should visit the following link for more information. Poll Worker Information

The purpose of the Student Mock Election is to stir students' interest in voting by tapping into the excitement of the campaign season. As students learn about the candidates and issues, they discover how government and politics affect every part of their lives. They gain firsthand knowledge of how citizens make their voice heard in our democracy, and experience the power of their votes when they are joined by thousands of California students and millions more across the United States who will vote in student mock elections this year.
Click on the link to see a list of events that occurred on today's date.