Hart District PASE (Parent and Student Empowerment) Drug Dangers Workshop

Hart District PASE (Parent and Student Empowerment) Drug Dangers Workshop
2/3/2016, 7:00 PM 8:30 PM
Rancho Pico Junior High School

Thank you to those who attended and helped spread the word about our first (PASE) Parent and Student Empowerment presentation "Teens in a Tech World."  The event was a success with over 125 people in attendance.

Our next event, "Drug Dangers- Vaping, edibles and current trends" will be held on February 3rd.  We appreciate your site's help promoting this workshop with your students and parents.  Attached are two flyers for this event (English/Spanish).  Please print and distribute as you feel appropriate.  Hard copy fliers will be coming through inter-district mail shortly. 

We  encourage you to utilize PASE as an OMC by assigning your students to attend.  We will have sign-in sheets and can easily report back to you on which students attended.  To assign a student, simply complete the short form linked below:


Please let students know, if they are assigned to attend a session, they must be escorted by a parent.

We hope this program will be helpful in supporting all of the great work you are doing at your schools.  Please do not hesitate to contact either of us with suggestions or questions and we hope to see many of you in attendance on February 3rd at 7pm in the Rancho Pico Junior High MPR.

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